Monday, December 2, 2013

Sorry again!

I have not post in a while due to family matters and work :(

I will have a regular posting schedule after Christmas and I hope you guys hang in with me!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I would like to say in advance happy Thanksgivings to everyone reading my blog and I hope you guys are ready for some deck profiles and articles!

Monday, November 25, 2013

New post segments!

Hello fellow duelist! I want to just tell you guys I am very thankful for you guys reading my blogs! Now, that Thanks Giving is near, I want to show my appreciation to you guys by becoming a better blogger. I am posting less now because I want my content to be good when you review it and A.R.G. doesn't want people who puts no effort into their work. Sadly, I can not keep up with doing duelist of the week due to how busy I get around that time (In real life and in game). So, starting today I will post based on these segments to try to at least keep my audience from straying away. Stay in the know, You know?


2.)Online (post) event coverage

3.)Deck Profiles


5.)Interviews of DN's top players


Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Is Crazy!

Hello and thanks... I logged on today and I randomly skyrocketed to 99 veiws in one day! Again, thank you fellow players.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

ILL make it up to you guys!

                        Sorry for the late duelist of the week, but things in life just stumbles in our way.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Making the site pretty!

As you see Lavi is no longer here, but for my fans I'd love to maximize your experience visiting!

Expect me to change the site every season or banlist (I dont know yet).

Test Your Deck Building Skills! (You'll Never Know)

                        Hello fellow duelist, I would like to discuss about deck building skills! I know most of the content from various duelist are too general or basically from the rule book, but i'll take a very different approach on this topic. In this post you will not see too much of the basics. DUEL START!

It's relevancy:
                                        Building a deck in yugioh has changed throughout the years and I would like to make history and give you a permanent deck building guide that applies to yugioh's future. the first thing I would touch up on is "The Meta." Many decks can be deemed "tier 4" because they don't have anything for the meta or having answers for a variety of decks. Cards that are relevant to stopping the meta or certain decks can definitely improve the performance of your deck by slowing down the opponent.

Is it consistent?:
                                     Consistency is also a good thing for many decks to have. Without it, your combos or pushes will not be too effective or if you get stopped by your opponent, then you will find it difficult to make a comeback. Consistency also helps you grab your cards at the right time for many situations and problems you face. Depending on your play style, this can make or break a good deck.

Your win condition:
                                      This part may seem basic, but many duelist really don't think about this idea. To me, there are 4 win conditions/deck types.

1.) Aggressive (aggro): This deck type wants to OTK your pants off using a swarm of large monsters and effects that will commit alot to the field. This deck doesn't use alot of trap cards so they make sure the back row is always clear. Depending on the format, this deck type can top nationals.

2.) Mill: This deck type wants you to deck out by using various effects. This deck doesn't commit much to the field compared to Aggro decks and uses tactics to prevent the opponent from attacking. This deck type isn't commonly used, but depending on the deck its against, it sees good results.

3.) Control: This is the most common used deck type. Control decks want to exactly do what it employs, control the game and create all types of advantage for yourself. Control decks typically creates alot of options for yourself to answer anything your opponent throws at you. Many control decks have a boss monster that usually changes the tide of a duel and duelist protect that card to slowly chisel away your opponents resources. In any format, this deck type can prove to be good.

4.) Stun:  This deck type has a similar idea as the control deck type, but with stun you limit your opponents options by using card effects that stop your opponents plays until they run out of resources. The only problem for a stun deck is that it lacks speed. This deck type is the hardest to be successful with, unless you're an experienced player. The stun deck type can also become successful in many formats.

Win conditions may mix in decks like Lightsworns, Dragons, and Madolche.

                                    If you can apply this philosophy on your everyday game in combination with your playstyle, you can become a feared name in yugioh. I hope you guys liked this and see you later.


Saturday, November 16, 2013


I see i'm getting views, so that is very good! I'm trying to improve my post content for those who are viewing and once again thank you for not giving up on me! Posting today by the way and I know you'll love it!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Duelist of the Week 3!/Discussion

Hello fellow duelist! Today I have our Ex-President George Bush! Don't worry its not really him. But his Dragon deck is nothing to mess with. Bush uses the Mythic Dragon variant that topped not too long ago( I don't remember when). I usually post these on Tuesdays, but I have failed you on my post consistency, so I am letting you know i'm alive.

                 This is pretty standard looking to me. It has a good side deck, main deck, and extra deck! I like the variant Bush uses because it brings out the big monsters quickly and it is efficient. I'm not going into detail about the deck because its top tier status! Simply put, Dragon Rulers have dominated 2 formats and will just keep dominating until Koonami wants to take away the "competitive fun" we have. I came up with the term "Competitive Fun" because that mindset is the only thing that keeps me playing yugioh!

                       Imagine the game being balanced... To some of you, that is ideal and to others, especially me, would make the game so boring. I love the idea of going against the odds and sometimes beating those odds. Also, if  Yu-Gi-Oh was balanced... We wouldn't have a point for sponsorship's in the game or any pro-players making an unorthodox deck good. We players would all just become zombies playing a pointless game.

                     My take on matters in this game doesn't affect the community as a whole though, so I would like to hear you guys opinions about the deck or should Yu-Gi-Oh really be balanced? Thanks for reading and Catch you tomorrow!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Between the Good and the Noob.

Hello fellow duelist! I would like to talk about the difference between the good and bad players in Yu-Gi-Oh! Also, I am sorry for the Drought... It will never happen again!

               Most see a good player as kind during a duel, can have a "fun competitive" game, and is very insightful on his dueling which leads to becoming better. This player attends regionals/YCS's or has a 2000 rating or higher on DN. What makes a "good duelist" is experience, manners, and deck choices. Those are the main factors because most people don't care about those who uses a deck nobody cares about or has a bad reputation in real life or DN. Good players creates a large fan base that affects most of our tournaments, the ban list, and the game entirely. You may already know a few of my examples who are good at this game (look at the names of the article writers on Alter Reality Games). I would like to know are there any other factors into being a good duelist?

                        Now the bad players...


                    A bad player to most people didn't even try to read the rule book fully, always run more than 60 cards or more, they are rude, and they cheat alot. Bad players can make somebody's day bad if they play on DN because you would have to tell that player all of his card effects and/or all of your card effects. Even though it's annoying, I will not bash the new players in our game we call Yu-Gi-Oh! I encourage all of you good players to help improve those who want to embark on our adventure as a duelist. This could also benefit you because you will have a new friend or team mate. I do not even want to characterize this group as bad players anymore, just call our new friends apprentices!

                       Keep the game strong guys and I will be back with you tomorrow for the duelist of the week! Exo-Lavi! OUT!